
Wings of Stone – Schwingen aus Stein

I have already mentioned that the English version of „Schwingen aus Stein“ is now finally available as “Wings of Stone“.

It’s always great when a new book arrives. You’ve been sitting at it for ages: writing, improving, writing, correcting, writing, editing, writing, sweating and sometimes swearing profusely, because at some point self-doubt always sets in if you sit on a project long enough.









And then it’s finished: the new book. The wonderful Marilisa did the editing. And hopefully we have not missed any mistakes. (You can find them in every book, no matter how well you’ve paid attention).

When you write in two languages, as I do, it’s always interesting to see if you can create the same mood in both. I actually wrote “Wings of Stone” in English first. Nevertheless, the German version came out first, long before the English. Well, I’m German, and if you’re not a bestselling author, English-language publishing doesn’t take notice of you. That’s why I ended up self-publishing the English books.











No, I’m not a bestselling author. I would like to be, but I’m not. My readership is loyal, but not huge. And I’m terribly bad at marketing. I’m grateful for tips.

Anyway, here it is: “Wings of Stone”, a story set in 1867 in the Bavarian Forest, a region of myths and legends. Here Konstanze (the teacher) tries to save Clärchen (her pupil). Not easy, since they are pursued by a criminal smuggler and abductor of young women, a gentleman with wolfish tendencies, a raven man, various deceased people who walk and talk and kill, and the Inquisition.

No, they really have a hard time, my two heroines. And even Konstanze – competent, self-confident, courageous and energetic – reaches her limits.

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